Example application that simulates Metro card activity for a large urban public transportation system
This application performs high velocity transaction processing for metro cards. These transactions include:
The code is divided into projects:
See below for instructions on running these applications. For any questions, please contact fieldengineering@voltdb.com.
Before running these scripts you need to have VoltDB 4.0 (Enterprise or Community) or later installed, and you should add the voltdb-$(VERSION)/bin directory to your PATH environment variable, for example:
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/voltdb-ent-4.0.2/bin"
Start the web server
./run.sh start_web
Start the database and client
./run.sh demo
Open a web browser to http://hostname:8081
To stop the demo:
Stop the client (if it hasn't already completed)
Stop the database
voltadmin shutdown
Stop the web server
./run.sh stop_web
You can control various characteristics of the demo by modifying the parameters passed into the InvestmentBenchmark java application in the "client" function of the run.sh script.
Speed & Duration:
--duration=120 (benchmark duration in seconds)
--autotune=true (true = ignore rate limit, run at max throughput until latency is impacted)
(false = run at the specified rate limit)
--ratelimit=20000 (when autotune=false, run up to this rate of requests/second)
Metadata volumes and ratios:
--cardcount=500000 (number of metro cards created)
Before running this demo on a cluster, make the following changes:
On each server, edit the run.sh file to set the HOST variable to the name of the first server in the cluster:
On each server, edit db/deployment.xml to change hostcount from 1 to the actual number of servers:
On each server, start the database
./run.sh server
On one server, Edit the run.sh script to set the SERVERS variable to a comma-separated list of the servers in the cluster
Run the client script:
./run.sh client